The greatest happiness in life is self-achievement.”
Taken by: Mak Han Meng
View below to read the judges’ comments. Join us this 21 August on World Senior Citizen’s Day as we reveal the 3 winners of the Life Begins at 60 Photography Contest. Let’s celebrate the beauty of life!
“Visually, I love the black and white effect. The tones are good and we are able to distinguish all of the elements in the photograph clearly. Although it’s quite dark, the photographer did a good job of bringing out the detail backstage. I love the expression on the subjects. Such joy and its obvious the photographer was able to bring that out.” – Kenny Loh, @Kenny Loh Photography
“The seniors have the ability to let loose, do what they want and have fun. Life has given them enough to realise that life is not worth living according to what others think.” – May Chong, GreenAcres Retirement Village
“The perfect black and white contrast creates the impact for this photo. And black and white picture leaves a room for the mind to imagine the actual color of the scenery.” – Yonsen Chan, @Idea Being
#greenacresretirement #LifeBeginsAt60 #WorldSeniorCitizensDay #wellbeing #retirement #agepositive #aginggracefully #staysafe #stayhealthy #SpreadPositivity #photography