Taken by: Pay Ah Khee (Francis Pay)

“Meet these two sisters who are 65+ years old and they told me that they enjoy themselves dressing up as clowns for an event. Just look how happy they are!”

Taken by: Pay Ah Khee (Francis Pay)

View below to read the judges’ comments. Join us this 21 August on World Senior Citizen’s Day as we reveal the 3 winners of the Life Begins at 60 Photography Contest. Let’s celebrate the beauty of life!

“Wow, these two sisters are really fun. I always see senior citizens depicted as quiet and lonely but this photograph really emphasizes on how life does begin at 60. As the sisters are in red, it was a good choice to place them in front of a plain background that’s not distracting. I also love that both sisters have their hands up. Whether the photographer encouraged them to do so or not, the hands definitely add to the impact of the photograph.” – Kenny Loh, @Kenny Loh Photography​

“This lively photo carries a lot of energy! The 2 ladies are out there to have fun and make people laugh including the photographer. Nothing is holding them back as they are bursting with life – showing how life can truly begin at 60!” – May Chong, GreenAcres Retirement Village​

“This picture is the perfect example of capturing a moment, a very important element in photography. Once you miss it you will never get it back.” – Yonsen Chan, @Idea Being

#greenacresretirement #LifeBeginsAt60 #WorldSeniorCitizensDay #wellbeing #retirement #agepositive #aginggracefully #staysafe #stayhealthy #SpreadPositivity #photography
