Bye-Bye Working Life
“This photo was taken during my headmaster’s retirement ceremony. It captures the happiness in the school environment while he
bids farewell. Looking at the smile on his face, it reminds us that we should always accept each phrase of life positively as we embark
on a new beginning.”
Taken by Heera Harshyini ap Kirubanandan
View below to read the judges’ comments. Join us this 21 August on World Senior Citizen’s Day as we reveal the 3 winners of the Life Begins at 60 Photography Contest. Let’s celebrate the beauty of life!
“I would have liked the focus to be more on the headmaster. The background seems a little busy. The use of a telephoto lens would
have helped. But all in all, it’s still an interesting photograph that captures the ambience and joy of that day.” – Kenny Loh, @Kenny Loh Photography
“There is great happiness as the headmaster exits for a new phase in life and the photographer loved his spirit just as much. The spirit of the moment is great as the well-taken photo captures a wonderful atmosphere.” – May Chong, GreenAcres Retirement Village
“There are many things to be appreciated in this photograph. The colors, the people, and the sheer joy painted on their faces.” – Yonsen Chan, @Idea Being
#greenacresretirement #LifeBeginsAt60 #WorldSeniorCitizensDay #wellbeing #retirement #agepositive #aginggracefully #staysafe #stayhealthy #SpreadPositivity #photography